Project: Hair

Not to get all girly on you, but last night I started a hair strengthening project in which I am attempting to do exactly that: strengthen my hair. Because holy breakage, Batman.

I invested in a quality shampoo and conditioner and committed to blow drying from here on out. (Did you know it’s now bad to let your hair air dry? I didn’t either.) And last night I doused my head in olive oil. Because the internet told me to.

Today, despite the normal breaking of hairs while I brushed it this morning (I can’t expect miracles to happen overnight, right?), my hair feels softer, lighter, and smells amazing. So maybe I’m on the right track?

Now I just need a good haircut. Because I haven’t had a good (or bad) haircut since 2015. I know! It was like my boyfriend moved to Texas and I just gave up on life.

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